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A Rooted Woman: Mini Virtual Mid-Winter Retreat

"If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we would rise up rooted like trees"

- Rainer Maria Rilke

A retreat for women on self care, self inquiry and self discovery

using Ritual, Art, Mindfulness and Nature inspired practices.

Tap into the seasonal rhythms within you

to emerge at Spring's doorstep reawakened, refreshed

& reoriented to live more intentionally.

Learn strategies & practices to :

~ clear out and make space

~ use creativity to access your own deep wisdom

~ gain clarity on your vision for the year

Come take a journey through mid-winter, tapping into what is stirring within you and emerge at Spring's doorstep reawakened, refreshed & reoriented to live more intentionally.

This is a virtual course. Cost is $40. Recording is included & available for limited time.

  • First 10 folks to sign up get $10 off!

  • Space is limited

Note: You will receive instructions on what to bring closer to the event. Stay tuned!