“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself” 

- Glenda the Good Witch, from The Wizard of Oz, on going home.

Living Balanced is not a static process or single goal to attain. Balance is cultivated through practices of awareness and tools to bring one back to homeostasis again and again. The primal systems of our body operate this way twenty-four/seven already.  Without much conscious awareness, the brain, heart and cells take in data, nutrients, oxygen, assimilating, filtering and eliminating. Ancient basic systems are in place to maintain survival. Surviving can be turned into thriving with more awareness and simple daily practices. Julie uses whatever situation, condition or crises that initiates a call for help as an opportunity for growth, restoring balance or re-membering one’s ‘true self’. Therapy is a portal for pausing, reflecting on what is working and what isn’t, reframing or challenging beliefs, developing ‘psychological, mental or emotional muscles’ that have atrophied or have never been used.

Working with Julie includes learning skills such as conscious breath work, mindfulness, somatic (body) awareness and intentionality to develop tolerance for discomfort, how to self soothe in healthy ways and reduce symptoms. Clients are taught methods to chart a new pathway for life that includes compassion for the road already traveled because healing cannot happen without kindness. Julie assists clients to remember their inherent worth and become co-creators of their lives. Anyone who is ready to grow, change and evolve will benefit from this eclectic, interactive and creative client centered experiential approach to therapy. Living Balanced grew out of Julie’s long standing desire to be helpful and of service. What began as a career in social work has expanded to include psychotherapy, yoga, energy medicine and nature therapy.

If ready to step into the life that is waiting for you let me hear from you!